Welcome on TeraGeek’s Build Sancuary Server

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Note: This server was previously known as « ProBuild »
- Respect!
- No spawn block, no prop push… just respect.
- Build: no PvP
User (default group): Medium props restrictions, can’t noclip thourgh objects.
Mingebags (bad player): High restrictions
Trusted (You played some time here): Medium restrictions, acces to ulx !noclip, !goto commands
Epic Builder (Very good builder): Very low restrictions, !noclip, !goto
TeraGeek (Registered users): Very low restriction, !noclip !goto
Moderator: Can kick, bann, jail, and so on…
Admin: Can kick/ban, change user groups, changemap…
Super Admin: Can do everything, change limits and so on…
Owner: Same as Super Admin, but can mange them.
To get a promotion, show us that you’re a good builder.
Basic useful commands
- Suicide => In your console: kill | You can also bind a key: bind k kill
- Fly (Noclip) => Bind your desired key using your console: bind x « noclip »
- Show this welcome message : => !motd in chat.
Join us via:
Our website: terageek.org
Our Discord: Discord
Our public Steam group
Owners: UltimateByte, Screwball